Decolonising the mind
KShs 2,800.00
“Decolonising the Mind: The Politics of Language in African Literature” by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o is a seminal work that explores the impact of colonialism on African languages and literature. In this influential text, Ngũgĩ argues that colonialism not only imposed foreign languages and cultural values but also deeply affected the identity and self-expression of African people.
Ngũgĩ advocates for the revival and use of indigenous African languages as a means of reclaiming cultural identity and resisting the lingering effects of colonial domination. He examines how colonial languages have shaped African literature and discusses the necessity of decolonizing literary production by embracing native languages and oral traditions.
The book combines theoretical analysis with Ngũgĩ’s personal experiences, offering a powerful critique of the continued dominance of colonial languages in African literature and education. “Decolonising the Mind” is a call to action for African writers and scholars to restore and celebrate their linguistic and cultural heritage.
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